More from the courts...
Until now, I was operating under the belief that the American adoptive parents gone bad (such as those cited previously in this blog) were all basically good people with the best of intentions who somehow bit off more than they could chew with their adopted Russian children. After adoption, they either snapped or for one reason or another couldn't find the appropriate way to deal with children they just couldn't handle.
Which is why the case of
Matthew Mancuso of suburban Pittsburgh is particularly disturbing. As we have managed to dispel rumors in Russia that Americans are adopting Russian children in order to harvest and sell their organs, here's an adoption done for clearly illicit purposes. As expected, it's already on the front pages in Russia.
Mancuso is currently serving a 15-year-sentence on a related Federal conviction in 2003, and faces up to 140 years on the state charges in Pennsylvania.
Unlike the other children remembered in this blog, a very brave 12-year-old girl thankfully has another shot at salvaging a happy childhood in American hands.
Sentencing is scheduled for November. If you're so inclined, consider writing the Judge encouraging imposition of the maximum sentence to reinforce the message that America does not tolerate child abuse.
Hon. Donna Jo McDanielCourt of Common Pleas323 CourthousePittsburgh, PA 15233Re: Sentencing of Matthew Mancuso