To Russia (And Back) With Love
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
  A bullet we couldn't dodge...
So, you've flown nearly halfway across the world to make a court date. And the evening before the court date, you're told that one piece of paper--within the Russian government system--didn't get from point A to point B, and your court date is now postponed a week.

Yes, it happened to us. And, since we're bonded to the Wolfes throughout the adoption process, it happened to their piece of paper, as well.

Yekaterinburg is not the worst place in the world; it's a rust-belt city on the verge of a comeback, the fifth-largest in Russia in terms of population and the third-largest in terms of commerce. But frankly we weren't planning on spending an extra week here, even if it means more quality time with Elena, as there's not a lot for English-speaking tourists to do.

There is absolutely no English spoken at our hotel, all the TV stations are in Russian, and--thinking I'd only be there five days--I didn't bring anything to read. The closest Internet cafe to our hotel is a mile away; in spite of my GPS tracking and navigation skills, our handlers in Yekaterinburg won't allow me to venture out on my own beyond a block from the hotel, feeling it's too dangerous for someone whose Russian vocabulary consists of "da" (yes), "nyet" (no), and "spaseeba" (thank you).

Our employers, children back home in the States and their caregivers, wardrobes, camera supplies and budgets also weren't prepared for this surprise. We're getting a little depressed and homesick knowing we're here for an extra week.
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