Taking Care of Business Back Home
Well, we're at the midpoint of our waiting period back home while Zoe (formerly Elena) waits for our return to Yekaterinburg next week. The trip home was predictably long and uneventful, giving us a lot of time to think about the next one, accompanied by an almost three-year-old who has rarely left her comfort zone at the orphanage. Will it be an exciting new adventure to Zoe, or will it be 14 hours of sheer terror at 30,000 feet? Our sources say it could go either way.

Our first stop after arriving at Dulles was to visit our new niece, Emmy, who was born while we were away.

Eventually, we made it home to find Jesse still awake. We missed his sixth birthday during our two weeks away, and I'm willing to bet that he grew a half-inch in our absence. He's been wearing nothing but shorts for the last three months, and none of his pants from the Spring fit. This week's trip to Old Navy to finalize Zoe's wardrobe will include serious updates to Jesse's, as well.
With the addition of Emmy and Zoe, my parents doubled their grandchildren from two to four over the course of a week. Providing childcare services for Jesse for the unplanned extra week cut into their quality time with Emmy, but they, along with the help of a host of friends and family, took on the childcare challenge graciously.

And we're back at work for our very understanding employers...for a week, anyway.
Zoe's room is now serving as our temporary luggage staging area, but finishing touches are also being made, incorporating some of the souvenirs we've picked up over two trips to Russia.

But the matryoshka and porcelain dolls--relics of Zoe's heritage--won't mean nearly as much as what's waiting at her bedroom door...Jesse's artwork from his first day of school, after being assigned to draw a picture of our family.
We're ready. Let's bring her home.