To Russia (And Back) With Love
Monday, March 06, 2006
  It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over
Zoe is home. Zoe is ours. But the paperwork continues.

Two major assignments we'll be working on over the next few months:

The first is Zoe's post-placement progress report, the first of which we're required to provide to the region within six months of her adoption. I assured the judge in Yekaterinburg that it would be with great pride that I would submit these to the ministry. And I meant it, although I'm in denial that time is flying by as quickly as it has.

With no real consequences to the adoptive parents once their children are safely on U.S. soil, some aren't taking this responsibility so seriously. Unfortunately, their agencies are getting "dinged" for their apathy and denied accreditation because of these unfiled reports. Which means those prospective parents currently in the process using these agencies are forced to wait...and wait....and wait.

The second assignment is the process of readoption, a formal legal "slam dunk" ensuring that Zoe has the same rights as if she were adopted in the U.S.

Rest assured, nobody is going to take Zoe away, and she is a U.S. citizen...not to mention a dependent on our 2005 tax return.

Just found your blog and read through the entire archives this morning (instead of working). We are hoping to adopt a 2-4 year old girl from Russia to close the age gap with our five year old son. Reading about your experience (esp. the trust issue re: small girl, tall man) has been helpful.

Will be adding you to my bloglines subscription. Nice to "meet" you. email is: and blog is:
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Our Russian adoption adventure bringing home Zoe Elena, and the first year back home.

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