A Memorable Memorial Day Weekend
The nice thing about blogging is I can be incredibly lazy for a few weeks, then date a post I should have done weeks earlier with a timestamp of, say, May 29 at 11:28 p.m. so that it looks like I've been doing my job. Those who stumble onto the blog in the future are impressed that I'm always so timely, while regular readers are left scratching their heads wondering
"Now how the hell did I miss that for two weeks?" Let's not forget to clear your cache every now and then, folks!
That having been said, we just wrapped up a great Memorial Day weekend!
Zoe got a major taste of family all weekend as all branches of Papa's Scherlis clan descended upon Baltimore for the first Family Reunion of the new millenium. Zoe met cousins from all parts of the country as we honored our ancestors who came from Russia to begin a new life new life in America over 100 years ago. So in addition to charming the crowd of 60, her presence was especially meaningful.
The weekend continued with a barbecue at Cousin Sharon's. In addition to meeting more new cousins (this time from Mom's family), Zoe--somewhat exhausted by 48 hours of Scherlis shenanigans, was content to just kick back and kibitz with Pop-Pop.
Zoe and Jesse took time out to enjoy the spacious grounds of Chateau Rabinoroll, the San Simeon of Reisterstown.
The "art shot"
For Aunt Har and Cousin Sharon, who've never made the blog.